How To Clean A Wool Blanket With Snow

Wool blankets are one of the most coveted finds at flea markets these days. They are practical, durable, and fashionable. And we’ve found a great way to clean them that costs only your time —and maybe your comfort if you don’t have a big warm winter coat.

People have been cleaning with snow for ages. It’s a process that some might call “old-fashioned” (some being my mail carrier), some might even call you “crazy” if they happen to catch a glimpse you mid-process (also the mail carrier). I love this method because it’s free, and just about as natural as you can get when it comes to cleaning products.

For best results try this in freshly fallen, dry, powdery snow. Wet, heavy snow could end up getting the blanket really soggy and messy.

What You Need


Dry, powdery snow

Clean broom


1. Shake the blanket well, releasing any dust or loose dirt. Hang outside and let acclimate to the temperature for at least a half hour.

2. Lay the blanket in 3″ to 5″ of snow, giving yourself a large area to work in. With the broom, flip a good amount of snow across the entire surface.

3. Beat the snow all around the blanket with the flat side of the broom. The trace amounts of ammonia in the snow will react with the cold air and cause any dirt or grime to solidify and fall out of the blanket.

4. Let the snow sit on the blanket for 15-20 minutes before flipping it over and repeating steps 1-3 on the other side.

5. Shake as much excess snow off the blanket as you possibly can before hanging it over a railing or clothesline. Leave it to hang for 20-30 minutes to allow the snow to sublimate. The snow will go from its solid phase to vapor without actually getting the blanket wet. Science is magic.

More great tips and tutorials: Cleaning Basics

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